Hello Martian

Hello Martian

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Hello Martians

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

September Calendar

Wednesday 14 September: test of TEC
Thursday 15 September: test of EST
Nap September 16:

Becos da Memoria

Staff here is the book that will be used to carry out the work of writing.
Happy reading!
Becos da Memória

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011

September Calendar

Wednesday 14 September: evidence from Portuguese
Thursday 15 September:
work of FPA
Nap September 16:
test of GAFC
Saturday, September 17: Saturday school. Lessons to be defined.

Academic Calendar

Hello Martians, I will post here everything that happens during the week.
Don`t forget.

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

The Mermaid other foot.

Portuguese Book: The Mermaid other foot.
Dear Martian, here is the book that both hope to do the work of Portuguese.
Good reading and a great job.
Recalling the work of Portuguese and the day on September 21.
Do not wait last minute!
even more
O outro pé da sereia

Goal of the blogger

Hello Martians,
I know that everyone is welcome here, especially ED.3
This blog is believed mainly to serve the students of third year buildings CEFET-MG, and provide important information in order to facilitate the course of the school year these students.
Well this blog served as a news network, where I will post periodically, news, events, tasks, information about dates of tests and also provided information on subjects by teachers. I hope you enjoy, and be profitable.
Also know that the blog is open to receive suggestions, compliments and criticisms provided they are constructive criticism.
Thanks and see you sometime.